LastSwap enables teams to set their fee receiver address in a system level contract, to earn their share of the swap revenue against their tokens.

By broadcasting a txn to the LastSwap contract, the team can set their fee receiver address.

The fee receiver address can be updated but only by the fee receiver address, or by the token contract itself, so if it is configured to an address that is not able to interact with the system contract.

Initialize Fee Receiver for a Token

To initialize the fee receiver it must be done by calling:
setFeeReceiver(address receiver) on the Fee Receiver Manager at deployment. This sets msg.sender(the newly deployed token) to the address specified

Update Fee Receiver For a Token

To update the fee receiver it must be done by calling:
updateFeeReceiver(address token, address receiver) on the Fee Receiver Manager, this checks that msg.sender matches the current receiver for token and updates it to the newly specified receiver


It is recommended to set it to a smart account wallet.