
Skilled Node Operators who don’t individually have enough $CUBE to run a node themselves can use the Bond Provider feature to collect bond from other $CUBE holders.

Node Operators can define up to 10 THOR addresses as Bond Providers. These addresses will be able to bond and unbond to the node, earning rewards proportional to the amount of bond they contribute. Node Operators define an operator fee in basis points, which defaults to zero and must be set explicitly when bond providers are added. The Node Operator fee is taken from rewards and paid directly to the Node Operator address after each churn.


The minimum $CUBE needed to churn in as a LastNode is currently set at TBD - but with bond competition, this number could be much higher.

Not many people in the world have both the technical skills to run a validator AND at least TBD $CUBE, which limits the supply of Node Operators who secure Last Network.

Pooled LastNodes provide a way for a skilled Operator to enter a trusted agreement with known Bond Providers to bootstrap enough capital for running a LastNode. The Network’s security increases, and more CUBE holders have access to yield-bearing bond-space.

Economic Security

At first glance it might seem Pooled Validators contradict the economic security model of Last Network (i.e. that Node Operators put up twice the value in slash-able bond as the assets they secure). With Pooled Validators it is possible for the Node Operator to individually put up less bond than the value of the assets that the node secures. However this nuance only exists within the relationship between the Node Operator and the Bond Providers. The Network only considers the LastNode as single entity thus the economic model is intact.

It would be disastrous to Last Network if operators could collect unlimited bond quantities from anon/retail providers. Malicious Operators could start marketing campaigns collecting CUBE and then rug-pull their users, or worse, access economies of scale and take over the network.

This is why Pooled LastNodes are invite-only and limited to 10 per node. It is difficult to access economies of scale in these small quantities.

Managing a Pooled LastNode

All CUBE Amount values are in 1e8 decimals, e.g. 1 CUBE = 100000000.

Node Operator

Adding a Bond Provider

Add a bond provider using a BOND transaction with a modified memo from a wallet you control (ledger, desktop, lastcli):


Example: BOND:last1agftrgu74z84hef6dt6ykhe7cmjf3f8dcpkfun:last1tfm4q8u57qzsznpvh02s8j483aga63cl02k6jt:2000

  • NodeAddress - LastNode address (prefixed by last)
  • BondProviderAddress - Bond Provider address to whitelist (prefixed by last)
  • NodeOperatorFee - fee in basis points to be taken from rewards and paid directly to Node Operator’s address after each churn.
  • CUBE TX Value - 1.02 minimum (anything over 1.02 is added to the Operator’s Bond).

A Node Operator is the first on-chain bonding transaction to a new node. You cannot change the operator address after the fact.

The Operator is also added as a Bond Provider.

Removing a Bond Provider

While the node is churned out, A Node Operator can remove a Bond Provider using an UNBOND transaction with a modified memo:


  • NodeAddress - LastNode address (prefixed by last)
  • Amount - amount of Bond Provider’s bond to refund
  • BondProviderAddress - Bond Provider address to refund/remove (prefixed by last)
  • CUBE Tx Value - 0.02 minimum

This command will refund the Bond Provider their bond and remove them from the Bond Provider list only if Amount constitutes all of the bond the Bond Provider is owed.

Node Operator Fee

Node operators can set a fee that is paid to them from the earnings each churn.

To set a Node Operator fee, send a deposit transaction with the following memo:

BOND:<node address>:<bond wallet address>:<operator fee in basis pts>

Example: BOND:thor1agftrgu74z84hef6dt6ykhe7cmjf3f8dcpkfun:thor1tfm4q8u57qzsznpvh02s8j483aga63cl02k6jt:2000

To adjust the Fee, The no operators can send:
BOND:<node address>::<operator fee in basis pts>

Example: BOND:thor1agftrgu74z84hef6dt6ykhe7cmjf3f8dcpkfun::4000 to see the fee to 40%.

Fees can range from 100 to 9900 basis pts. Setting 10000 causes all rewards to be to the node operator each churn. Setting it to 0 causes rewards to accrue to the bond.

See here for more details.

Bond Provider

Adding/Removing Bond

Once whitelisted, a Bond Provider can Bond and Unbond from the node as normal.

Adding Bond:


  • NodeAddress - LastNode address (prefixed by last)
  • CUBE Tx Value - Amount of CUBE to bond

Removing Bond:


  • NodeAddress - LastNode address (prefixed by last)
  • Amount - Amount of CUBE to unbond
  • CUBE Tx Value - 0.02

When you can add Bond

When the node is standby, active or not churning, bond amounts can be increased/decreased.
You can tell the network is migrating if there are retiring Asgard Vaults.

Reward Shares

Operators and Providers all have a bond amount registered to the node. Operators can start at 0.00 bonded. This on-chain bond amount is summed to the total bond, and thus everyone has a fair share in the LastNode’s principle + rewards.

The Operator Fee is distributed to the Node Operator address from all CUBE rewards earned by a node after each churn.

If an Operator LEAVES, all the bond is fairly distributed.